Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for swearing
Don’t say bad word, mkay?

Banned because I can swear as much as I fucking want to.

Unless it’s actually against the rules, I don’t want this game to become real suddenly.

Banned because what the shoot did you say to me you gummyworm

Banned for calling me a gummyworm, do you not know that “gummyworm” is the ultimate insult?

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Banned for eating the gummy worm.

banned for not consuming w o r m

banned for

banned for not giving a reason for previous ban


banned because FOR WHAT?

don’t take that seriously

Banned because you were banned for having a spooky profile picture.

banned for being a spooky entity

Banned because I don’t ever really try to be spooky, i’m not good at it, and I have more productive things to do.

Banned for making me feel emotions.

banned for d e f l a t i n g t h e k i r b

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B a n n e d f or s p a c I n g y o u r w o r d s

Ban ne df or a lso sp aci ng ou tyo ur wor ds

Banned for splitting the words into weird sayings,

Banned for ending your sentence with a comma.

Banned because KORBY said so.