Ban the member above you (A fun game)

banned for being gnomed

banned for banning a gnoming victim

banned for talking about gnomes

Banned for not removing your hat on top of your can.

banned because im still here with this party popper

Banned for still celebrating something that happened days ago.

banned for assuming that its for new years

Banned for assuming that you were assuming it was for new year

banned for thinking i assumed

Banned for replying so much

Banned for not replying a lot.

Banned for Being GnOmEdd

Banned because I sent that gnome into space. So it won’t be possible to gnome anyone else until it lands or breaks up when coming down.

banned for sending a gnome to space

Banned because you had a ? addiction

can’t say the word, else my post will be automatically flagged

banned because ?
is it the thing in my about page on my profile?

Banned for questioning your objective.

banned for not questioning objectives

Banned because party birb

Banned for Cake beside name


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