Ban the member above you (A fun game)

banned for capitalizing heart

Banned for not capitalizing the first letter of your sentence.

banned for period

Banned for being on a period

Banned because, you need to be PG otherwise someone is going to come around and say "EWWWW HAHAHA he said PERIOD, Thats a girl thing, HAHA EWWWWW"

banned for meddling in the affairs of higher beings the likes of which you do not understand

Banned because u just got nae naed :rofl::facepunch:

banned for punching.

The [B]erson a[B]ove got [B]anned cuz I just nae naed :fire::joy::fire:

:b: anned for :b:anning a :b:erson :b:ut not :b:using the right :b: my :b:

banned for calling me a girl

Banned for assuming ones gender.

banned for thinking i did

banned for thinking that agent was thinking that you did

Banned for thinking that I was thinking about what he did.

banned for even talking about β€œoH MY GOD U DID ASSUME GENDER???”

banned for dead gender memes

banned for banning the wrong person

Banned for wearing a Christmas hat after Christmas.

banned for telling me when i can and can’t wear a hat