Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned because it’s never too late to spook.

Banned cause it’s too late to spook when it’s added to fortnite

Banned because Fortnite

Banned for not respecting Kevin.

Banned because kevin is dead

Banned for not preparing for Season 7

Banned because they did not post a teaser yesterday

Banned for not speculating for season 7 new content

Banned for speculating

Banned because what’s season 7

Banned for not remembering Fortnite.

banned because sorry, true gamers dont play fortnite

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Banned because you are not an Epic Gamer and I now have reached the 4000th post on this.

Banned because only REAL Gamers play pony town

Banned for disrespecting the Brony Fandom.

Banned because how

Banned for talking about fandoms

Banned for not embracing a corner of iNTeRneT CUltuRe

Banned because internet culture is the least professional culture to ever exist.

Banned because I would be breaking the rules if I didn’t