Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for being left

Banned for being at a 90 degree angle

Banned for being at a 180 angle

:b:anned for using angles

Banned for using b toy block emote❎

Banned for trespassing with a toy block.

Banned for changing profile picture

Banned for owo.

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Banned for uwu

Banned for missing out on the Bone Zone

Banned Because the bone zone ends when i wake up :frowning_face:

Banned because you missed a Bone Zone you could have attended

Banned because I don’t think buildings have bones

Banned for not believing in bones of steel.

Banned for believing in bones of steel
also oWO

banned because no one has actually been banned by this game so where are the devs, there are so many rule breakers

Banned for thinking people are actually supposed to get banned

Banned for woosh

Banned for r/wooooosh.

Banned for banned because it’s actually wooosh not wooooosh