Ban the member above you (A fun game)

banned for banning me for banning you on a ban-able cause.

banned for a confusing statement

banned for not being able to understand complex sentences

banned for being able to understand words

Banned for being illiterate

banned for being literally literally literally literally
you know what, im gonna ban myself for being morgz

because i keep using LITERALLY HA XD

banned for confusing me

banned for not understanding that clickbait people use the word literally a lot

banned for helping me understand

banned for banning someone who is helping you

banned for banning me for banning someone who is helping me but also banning me

banned for i see your point

banned for nothing at all… just banning because i can ban

banned for unreasonable ban

banned for having an opinion on my ban

banned because its not really an opinion

banned because it is

banned because not’nt

Ye hath been banished to the nether realm for not respecting the opinion of your fellow man. Begone with you!

banned for breaking our ban 1v1