Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for being inactive on this game @CalculatorSpoon

Banned for not using a period at the end of your sentence.

Banned for trying to open kingdom hearts.

Banned for not banning ever since you joined the 200 club. Now there is a 300 club!

Banned because I didn’t want to ban 10 times a day for the rest of this threads life


Banned for thinking this thread has a life. It is not a person.

Banned because you hurt the poor thread’s feelings by saying it isn’t human.

Banned for trying to make me make it feel better.

(There there thread, forget I said you’re not human.)

Banned for assuming the threads’ race is human.

Banned because thread lives matter

Banned because this thread is dying from lack of motivation! Thread Lives Matter people!

01000010 01100001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01100100

Banned for using Binary.

Banned because it could’ve been any number base above 2, like Ternary or Decimal or Hexadecimal… we have no way of knowing.

Banned for not knowing.

Banned because it’s been a year since your last ban

Banned for hounding them about their ban schedule.

Banned cause there is no timetable for Forum Class.
Banning is compulsory no matter what.

Banned for banning more than three times a day.

Banned for limiting my bannings