Automatic Condo Snapshots and snapshot groups

How about this: an automated system that saves condo snaps for you using the exact time it got saved and the name of the current condo project
For example
Condo Name/Build - August 31, 2024 - local time like 06:30:00 PM
(hyphens for separation also can be replaced with just spaces or something like colons, semicolons, etc mp3tag style)
Just in case something messes up (like other people with permissions messing up ur build idk) or you miss an older snapshot for some reason. Kinda make it like how autosaving works, just more customizable. You can change increments of automatic snapshots from like 5 minutes, 15, 20, half an hour, an hour, etc.
Also an addendum to this, the ability to change frequency if there are other builders currently in the condo, or a separate setting for increments for co-op building.

Also snapshot groups or “folders”. So things don’t seem as cluttered (and so it’s easier to get to which condo project you’re working on) Like especially if you want to have more than one version of a condo! (Should be a thing tied to the naming of a project or something), also when you change the name of a snapshot group, the snapshots (build) name changes with it (as an optional option probably)

Which leads to another feature, the Condo project name will be the name for the condo when people join as a checkbox.

This whole idea would especially be beneficial to workshop game world projects, since using the SDK it all starts from scratch and it would be cool to select ur workshop project before loading up the SDK also (ANOTHER feature! - Unless that’s already a thing idk)

An addendum, see how much data the snapshot uses next to the name without hovering over it since I now know this relies on Steam cloud data (1GB, use wisely)

As far as I know, you can already load any condo file into the Workshop Editor, it just wont have the associated built-in surfaces.

I am working on a better condo backup system that auto backs up the condo data. I am also working on showing a list of condo snapshots to load into before you load into your condo or level editor.


Would there be a setting to just automatically load into the latest rather than seeing the list for the immersion factor?

Would there be a setting to just automatically load into the latest rather than seeing the list for the immersion factor?

That’s one of the reasons I also included snapshot groups into the suggestion. Load into the latest version of your build name (e.g, the snapshot group) instead of going through a large list of automatics
It makes things less messy and not as much of a pain to go through
Like say you have one version of House, and then an entirely different version of House, those two versions are in snapshot groups. You make a group (e.g. new condo build), it starts autosaving, and then you make another group for another build. NEW FEATURE: creating a new group asks you if you want to wipe the condo.

I am also working on showing a list of condo snapshots to load into before you load into your condo or level editor.

Not a list of condo snapshots, a list of snapshot folders or “groups”, and when you select that group, the latest save in the group loads automatically, a list of saves in the group shows up when you hold left click (or some other button)
or have a grouped and ungrouped tab/checkmark

But you heard the guy, he’s working on it.