Art Contest! [Aug/Sep 2019] [Results]

Congrats guys! Guess i’ll have to start my entry earlier than the day before next time :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


AHHH thank you all so much!!! this was so much fun, and im honored…

i hope theres more art contests and stuff in the future!! everyone’s entries were awesome and i’d love to participate again if I have the time :smile:


^^ i agree i want more contests, maybe with themes so everyone doesn’t just draw catsacks haha


Congrats to all the winners and great work to all participants as well!

I also agree that more art contests down the line would be awesome. I couldn’t really think of anything this time around so I didn’t participate but would love to try my hand at something later :slight_smile:

As for suggestions:
+1 to @Demoncyborg’s suggestion for themed art contests. Tower has so much to it that I don’t think we’d ever run out of different things to focus on :stuck_out_tongue:

Additionally, I think it’d be cool if we did something similar to the Photoshop Battles subreddit. For those that don’t know about it, someone posts a base image with some key feature to it, and everybody in the comments does their best to edit the image in creative and unique ways. For the sake of a contest, Nath could maybe take a screenshot somewhere in Tower and ask us to just go wild and work with whatever’s in that image.

In any case I look forward to all the future contests we have, art and otherwise! Thanks again to Nath for holding these, it’s really making the community feel more alive :smiley:


Thank you so much! <3

I love the Photoshop battles idea, I have loads of TU screenshots already so I could just use one of those. I’ll think about it!

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