Announcing Community Condos

Would love for an update from the Devs on Community condos, had a look around an can’t see any dates since Nov 13, 2018 at 2:53 AM on the trello,

Just a ballpark would be good, as I’ve about 100 hours in the game, and I’m thinking about taking a hiatus from the game until they’re ready as I’ve done about all I can on my condo that I can handle solo :slight_smile:

I’m not upset, nor do I want to you to rush. But I’d love a time-frame so I could know when to check back in.

i’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’ll be out on hiatus longer than you think


Things have been on hold due to Fishing and Arcade. Since Fishing is done our main focus as been on Arcade. Unfortunately we can only focus on one thing at a time. I do know that we’ve gotten a lot done with it and mainly a lot of work has been for the backend (which community condos definitely need). Hopefully towards the end of Arcade development it can be picked back up.


I’m moving that discussion elsewhere as it’s very off topic for this thread. Don’t continue the conversation here, thanks.

Moved to here: Concerns About Community Condos