Allow private models, or prevent unlisted models from showing up in tab

I mean, steam workshop is ment to be a place that users can upload and share content they made to the rest of the world, making it a restriction would completely missed the point of being a workshop in the first place

unless pixeltail would “somehow” make another website for user generated models like how people do with VRChat, but i doubt it will happen, plus it sounds like a hassle


As others have said, the entire purpose of the workshop is sharing with the world. If you don’t want to share, get off a community platform–plain and simple. Just like if you don’t want randos joining your game, don’t host a public one. It’s plain and simple. It’s not up to the devs to create status when they’ve gone painfully out of their way to create an all-things-equal environment by limiting in-game economy and pay-for-play.


There’s only 2 reasons people usually want private workshop items.

  1. So they can decorate their condo in a unique way with unique items (Which you can already do if you put elbow grease into it).

  2. So they can upload their 18+ Naked fursuit playermodels to have uwu sexy times in the sanctity of their own condos.

If you wanna doubt that 2nd reason then Caboose can look at whatever unlisted/banned models exist and can probably confirm it. I even once saw a condo where a guy had tons of pictures of his nsfw models he had ported. It was actually almost impressive.

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