Actual Tower Unite News Blog

UPDATE: I made an unofficial blog for the time being. You can find it here.

So, I already KNOW we have a section on the forums that goes over bigger updates, but it doesn’t really talk about weeklies and it doesn’t show that many screenshots… plus not many people go on forums just to look at news, they also want to talk as well.

So, why not set up a Tumblr blog and hook it up to a subdomain of the TU domain (such as and post weekly changes and early access updates on there too? A link to it could be put on the navigation of the main TU site so people can access it easily.

For a good example of this, I would look at Parkitect’s devblog:

What do you guys think? Too redundant or a good addition?

  • YES! I would love to have an organized news blog!
  • A blog would be nice, but it isn’t necessary.
  • I don’t care either way.
  • The announcements section on the forums is good enough, but I wouldn’t mind a blog.
  • I am completely against having a blog.

0 voters

###(UPDATE: I worded the fourth choice poorly. Just pretend it says “I’d prefer it if we didn’t have a blog” instead.)


PLEASE! I got the alpha build right after Indiegogo, but my computer broke a week after… I love how the devs show what was added and removed in the updates, but I never knew what it looked like. The only way to see how TU has changed since I’ve been gone is to try to catch a stream, or find a video on YouTube.
I would loveeee screen shots.

I’m actually tempted to set up the account if the devs would put the link to it on the site. (They can post from it too, if they like.)

###EDIT: Just set it up. Click here to view it.

Since I see you’ve taken it upon yourself to do this, one thing I’d suggest would be to keep it strictly news. Since the direction you’ve taken is to do a unofficial news source, I’d keep the personal comments to a minimum.

It’s Unofficial Tower Unite news, not Spriteclad reports and comments on Tower Unite News :wink:

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I’ll think about it. I kind of wanted to bring my own spin to the news instead of just copying and pasting directly from the forum threads, but if the people want just news then I’ll most likely change it.