Ability to Toggle My Own Backer Tag

Can we please have the ability to toggle MY backer tag that shows next to MY name in the scoreboard/tab menu? :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t think so

Yeah, Iā€™m (sadly) not a backer or anything, but I think this would be very disrespectful to the donors. Also, those tags arent hurting anybody. Let them be.

Oh sorry if i didnt make this clear. I am a backer and would like to turn off my backer tag.

Ah, I see. May I ask what your reasoning for this is?

I just want to be like everybody else. I donā€™t really like the attention that it sometimes gives.

Well, as long as itā€™s your own, I see nothing against it. Make sure to update OP to make this clear, so once developers see this they can view it properly.

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Yep just updated. Thanks :smile:

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Personally, I think it would be interesting to have multiple tags and to choose which one you want displayed. This could be done with achievements, such as earning an ā€œInfectedā€ tag for getting a certain milestone in Virus. Even if itā€™s just the OPā€™s suggestion, I would still enjoy the ability to hide that little tag.


That sounds like it could work similar to a ā€˜titleā€™ system that many MMOs have. Youā€™d be able to equip one of your several unlocked tags, although thereā€™d be exclusive ones such as ā€œBackerā€. Iā€™m all for that :smiley: