A TU Inventory Calcuator/Viewer thing

No, it’s public

There’s no profile associated with that url.

Here’s the url with my SteamID64 http://meharryp.xyz/tu/profile/76561198059410933

do you have a custom url? if not try and set one (in steam profile settings) and then use that.
I can tell you one thing though, last time i checked your inventory your had about 3000 canvases. That’s 3mil in canvases alone

I set a custom url and now the link above with the SteamID64 works!

Dunno if it’s linked or not…

Thanks anyway!

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yours seem a bit broken though. I think you hit the item cap. On the page it only shows about 1600 items, while searching your steam inventory for canvas shows 3000 items

Seems a little off but, neat.