[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

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I think it’s the white light in the middle. It doesn’t look right to me.

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I think that’s just the glossy paint job on it. It reflects a bit more.

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It has the same amount of reflection on the entire surface there.

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:wine_glass::wine_glass:BREAK OUT THE DRINKS BOYS THIS ONES ON THE HOUSE!:wine_glass::wine_glass:

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February 6th, 2016

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.

Tower Unite:





The Games orb is there, so yes, it is TU. I think it’s just showcasing the fact that the entry to the boardwalk was extended (that’s what it looks like to me at least)

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No, Mac said on the Discord that he remove some sort of color effect (forgot what its called) that had been applied to the game. That’s the only difference.


Colors look a little more natural.

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Yeah look at the sand, it’s more sandy color & less of that bluish green

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I annoyed Mac today to see if the lightning can be tweaked to be more yellow although it’s a bit hard since the lightning is dynamic. That’s where those screenshots come from and he said he would look into it. Thanks Mac. :smile:


February 7th, 2016

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.



@donglekumquat What was that about ballrace not supposed to be funky? Just listen to that beat man!


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Shit, gotta unfunk it.
It was quick and dirty anyway, just to show the relation between the music and those blocks.

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February 8th, 2016

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.



As a food lover who actually cook for myself

this is sad

this is very sad lol

but this :point_up: reach a special level of sad :neutral_face:

(I still laugh though lol)




This reminds me a lot of the Sync level from the game FEZ. I’d love to actually play on a Ballrace map with music and a mechanic like this!

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Ooooh lol never have enough microwave


I love the song. It’s brilliant :smiley:

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