[33.6K Modem Warning] "Highlights" from Madmijk's Jackbox Streams

For those who have no clue of what’s going on here, I’m just gonna add context to each game we play because holy fudge it needs some (surprisingly this hasn’t been done before). Not going into too much detail, just what you need to know.
(post subject to edits depending on the games we play)

Trivia Murder Party: the goal is to be the last one to survive the game.
The game has two different parts:

  1. First round is a series of questions people must answer correctly. People who get the wrong answer are thrown into a random minigame which may or may not kill them if they are skilled or lucky enough. This cycle of questions/minigames repeats until there is only one survivor. Dead people may still participate to get the most answers right, which has an influence on the second part of the game.

  2. Second and final round features the last survivor of Round 1 and all the other dead participants at some distance behind him. The survivor must escape from the dead players in a deadly trivia race (i.e the more correct answers you get, the faster you get to the exit) and ultimately win the game. If a dead player catches up to the survivor, then they become the new survivor and must escape the race in turn. Dead people who got the most correct answers in Round 1 are closer to the survivor in Round 2 at the beginning of the “race”.

Note that an audience of people who arrived late to the game can participate and win the game too if the percentage of correct answers is higher than those of the other players.

Tee-K.O: use the creativity of your opponents to make the best tee-shirt of the game.
The game has five different parts:

  1. In the first round, all players must make 2 (or 3?) drawings, be it something weird, funny or gross, there is no prompt. After the drawings are finished, participants must enter as many slogans (shown under the drawings) as possible. Once this is done, players will have to choose the best option between 3 shirts and 4 slogans that have been created by everyone else (drawings and slogans remain anonymous until the end of the game).

  2. Second round is a 1v1 showdown featuring all the shirts chosen by the participants. Players (and the audience if there is one) may choose which shirt is better than the other: the “losing shirt” is destroyed, while the “winning shirt” is then pit against another shirt from another player, and so on until there is only one shirt left. Two winners are picked at the end of the showdown: the shirt who got the most wins in a row, and the remaining shirt of the showdown (though one shirt can get both of these).

  3. Third round allows players to make an additional drawing, create more slogans and make a shirt for the next part.

  4. Fourth round is another showdown that goes exactly the same as the other one.

  5. Final round is a third showdown that features the winners of the previous ones (up to 4 shirts). The last shirt standing wins the game and the creators of the drawing and slogan are credited.

Quiplash (1 or 2): get the most points at the end of the game by all means necessary.
The game has three different parts (I’m going to explain with letters, makes things easier)

  1. In Round 1, players are given 2 prompts in the following way: A gets 2 prompts, one of which is shared with B and the other with C, and so it goes for everyone else. After completing the prompts in the best way possible (be it funny, offensive, etc.) one prompt is randomly selected with its two answers made by the players. Participants (and the audience if there is one) must choose the best answer from the bunch: all answers are credited more or less points depending on the percentage of people who picked them, with bonus points for the winning one. Repeat until all prompts are completed.

  2. Same as Round 1 but all points are doubled.

  3. In the final round, everyone gets the same prompt, which can be an acronym to explain, a comic to fill or a regular prompt (in Quiplash 2). Players can give gold, silver and bronze medals to their favorite answers. At the end of the round, these medals are converted into points. Whoever has the most points at the end of all three rounds wins the game.

Drawful 2: get the most points by drawing as good as you can, and guessing other’s drawings in the most funny or accurate way possible.

All players are given one prompt: the drawings must be as relevant as possible to it. Once the drawings are complete, the game begins, and one player’s drawing shows up on screen. Players must type what they think this player’s prompt is: all suggestions, including the actual prompt, are then displayed: if you’re the author of the drawing, you must get as many people as possible to pick the actual prompt. If you are another player, you must trick the other participants into picking your answer by typing something that can accurately describe the drawing (without too much detail, otherwise it’s just spot on), or saying something really funny in hopes to get some points as well. The game stops once every drawing has been seen, and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.