[] Certain actions in the shops stops RAM from being cleared properly by the game

In addition to the increased ram usage when changing tag filters and adding items there are certain actions which “traps” the ram permanently, which means you will slowly build up a ram leak by interacting with the shops in certain ways.

Reproductions steps are seen in the video and in the following section which shows the results of the tests:

Selecting items in the shop will exponentially increase the amount of ram that is used by the purchase procedure.

General RAM usage only seems to increase when adding items, merely having items in your checkout doesn’t increase ram usage overtime.

Closing the shop while you still have items in the checkout does not clear up the ram that was used.

Removing the items from the checkout clears up a portion ram that was used while the rest is not cleared.

It seems that by removing the items manually you reduce the amount of RAM that would be trapped by the game by 50%

Purchasing the items you have selected will clear up all the ram used by the purchase procedure and the shop gui.

The ram that didn’t get cleared up was kept by the game until it was closed, even rejoining, joining different servers or leaving the server you were on didn’t clear the trapped ram.

All ram usage for the store appears to grow on an exponential rate based on the amount of items added.
All the ram that has been trapped still seems to be counted when the game needs to add more items to a new checkout.
This causes the game to allocate an even greater amount of ram when adding items, thus making the exponential growth even larger.

To summarize:
Adding items increases the amount of uses in an exponential fashion, which makes the eventual memory leaks worse.

Closing the shop window without removing the items you were gonna purchase “traps” the ram that was used to handle the purchase procedure.

Removing the items from checkout only cleared a portion of the ram while trapping the other part.

Buying the items you have selected cleared all the ram that was by the selected items and the shop window, it did not however seem to clear the ram that had already been trapped either by closing the shop window or manually removing items.

All the ram that is trapped did not get cleared by the game until it was shut down completely.

As seen in the two other error reports, [] Adding a large quantity of items to the shopping carts causes TU to eat up memory at an insane rate, [] Memory leak related to tag-filtering in shops, the errors listed within them combined with the the problems shown in this thread, can easily lead to the game using up all the available RAM on a players system which will cause the game to become unresponsive and freeze.
In a worst case scenario this can also make the computer itself unresponsive forcing a complete shutdown in order to fix the problem


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