[] Player's camera gets stuck in Little Crusaders and Virus

Occasionally at the beginning of a round in Little Crusaders or Virus your camera is fixed on a random place away from your character and you can’t move. Being killed by a dragon or an infected resets you camera to the normal view and you’re able to move again.

Steps to Reproduce

Log onto any Little Crusaders or Virus server. Play for an extended amount of rounds.

What I expected to happen

Everyone spawns in at the beginning of round normally and are able to play.

What happened

Either me or some other players get their camera stuck in place and can’t move.

Notes / Media

Note: This definitely happens in LC and Virus, but I don’t know if there’s something similar in other gamemodes. Also, I don’t have the screenshots of this happening in Virus.
POV of what my friend saw while being stuck:

Him floating in the air, suspended:

Another POV of what my friend saw while being stuck:

Two of my friends stuck:

Another POV:

A dragon, stuck:

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This is a known issue that was resolved by our net driver changes, but we have had to revert the net driver changes due to disconnect issues. We’re figuring out a solution. There’s networking bugs within the Unreal 4 engine that causes this issue, among other similar issues.

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