Movers are possibly becoming corrupted or something along those lines for players who are non-host. Here’s what happens:
A host, or non-host, will put down a mover (of any type) and set it up the way they’d like to. Everyone will be able to see the mover functioning as normal. However, inconsistently, the mover will randomly break visually for everyone except the host. The reason this is inconsistent is because the condo/map editor can go through several saves and resets before this visually happens for non-host players, or it can happen in the same open session. However, it very frequently happens, and requires that the old mover be deleted and a new mover be set up entirely including remaking splines from scratch.
Some things to note:
This is seemingly not related to the amount of grouped items attached to a mover, as this will happen with singular items attached to a mover, AND groups with tons of items attached to a mover
This is persistent through uploading maps/condos to the workshop as well.
Host will not be able to see the movers broken visually whatsoever making it impossible to tell when a mover needs to be completely redone and fixed
Movers that have spline data that is able to be edited (Mover Path, Mover Train, Mover Slide) will seemingly have corrupted splines sometimes. Copying corrupted spline data onto a new mover will result in that mover becoming bugged as well. (Not sure if this is an unrelated issue or related, but sometimes non-host players will be unable to see any changes made to the spline at all, and will not see movers on splines updated properly.
This bug has been a persistent bug I believe since movers were first released
Here is a video of what is happening visually for hosts vs. non-host players.