[] Using Casino Pull key makes slot machine refuse to let player leave machine at times, leading to other implications


There are two ways to interact with a Slot Machine: Clicking the lever/button, or pressing your “Casino Pull” bind. When using the Casino Pull bind for special actions/results, such as interacting with the Top Half of the machine (think the Wheel of Money on WoM machines, or the RPG portion of Grand Quest), or to pull the handle and then get a jackpot, the game claims that the machine is “busy” and will not let you leave until another Casino Pull has taken place.

This does NOT happen if you mouse click the button to activate the Top Half actions. I did not get to test the jackpot from the pull as I am not about to sit around for hours on end testing Triple Diamonds to get a jackpot and see if I can leave it by clicking the mouse.

Steps to reproduce

Wheel of Money

  1. Pull the handle on the slot machine until you get a Spin symbol
  2. Click on the Spin button to spin the Wheel of Money
  3. Leave the machine after the Spin has completed
  4. Return to the machine
  5. Pull the handle on the slot machine until you get a Spin symbol
  6. Press the key bound to Casino Pull to spin the Wheel of Money
  7. Attempt to leave the machine after the Spin has completed

Grand Quest

  1. Pull the handle on the slot machine until you get an Action symbol
  2. Click on the Action button to play the Top Half RPG game
  3. Leave the machine after the RPG Action has completed
  4. Return to the machine
  5. Pull the handle on the slot machine until you get an Action symbol
  6. Press the key bound to Casino Pull to play the Top Half RPG game
  7. Attempt to leave the machine after the RPG Action has completed

Triple Diamonds (Untested)

  1. Pull the handle on the slot machine using the Casino Pull bind
  2. Get a jackpot
  3. Attempt to leave the machine after the Jackpot animation and sounds are done

What I expected to happen

I leave the machine

What happened

I am still at the machine. The Leave Machine bind does nothing, and the UI method by going into the Menu and clicking Leave Machine brings up the dialog with a Spinner saying the machine is busy.


Either of the following

  • Use only the mouse to interact with Levers and Spin/Action buttons
  • Execute another Casino Pull

Extra notes

While this is a mild annoyance at best, newer players will think the game is stuck and quite possibly use disconnect. For Grand Quest, however, this has an added on implication: If you disconnect after getting a jackpot from Grand Quest, the state of the machine will be only partially reset, and you can come back to the machine with a dragon that has 0HP and a randomly generated starting jackpot, which will net you a 100% guaranteed jackpot (albeit small) upon the next action, even if the end result of the action is Trip.

This concern for GQ may be a separate bug at work here, but the bug being documented here seems to exacerbate the Grand Quest bug.

For the reproduction step list, the steps of leaving the machine after clicking the button is to show that clicking the button allows you to step away, but not when using the bound key


Additional related note: I can leave Grand Quest or Wheel of Money while the top half is in the middle of an action if I use the mouse to click the button to activate the top half. When it completes, I do not get the payout for that top half as I have left the machine (which makes sense). But basically, the definition of the machine being “busy” is very broken and seems to be more about HOW you interact than its current state.

Bumping this. This still happens on Also edited the notes on reproducing to make the steps clearer.


Still happening 2 years later. I think this was gonna get fixed at one point, but I guess it was a lot more involved?

We haven’t returned to Casino in awhile, but I’ll be looking into this for the phase 2 update.

Still happens a few years later and after some phase 2 stuff was done

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