[] Grand Quest: Landing on HEAL when at full health does not replenish health back to 75 after being attacked

When playing Grand Quest, landing on HEAL casts a spell that does no damage to the Dragon. The Dragon then attacks, and then your spell takes affect. The spell replenishes up to 20 HP after being attacked for 5 HP, for a net gain of 15 HP. You will not gain HP above 75. However, if you already have 75 HP, you get no health back and the end result is you get 70 HP.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Play a game of Grand Quest
  2. Get lucky enough to land on HEAL while at 75 HP

What I expected to happen

The heal should cancel out the damage completely and you should be at 75 HP after the action is complete.

What happened

The heal does not take affect and you end up at 70 HP after the action is complete.

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The heal should happen after the attack, which is probably what is throwing it off a little.

Still happens over 2 years later. And it compounds. For example, I got 3 Heals in a row while I started at 75 health. By the end of the 3rd Heal, it said I had 60 health. When I finally got an Attack, the dragon attack animation brought me to a reported 55 health, but after everything resolved, it jumped to 70 health because I was actually at 75 before and dropped to 70 from the attack.

The only thing I’m concerned about is if fixing this will have any impact on someone dropping to 0 health but still having a spin that could revive them by landing on Heal. I’m not sure if that’s an intended effect either, but if it is, fixing this might break that ability.

There was an issue where HP was calculated on the AGC and the client, and the client would calculate it separately for the display, then set the internal HP count to whatever was on the AGC which would then change the counter once again. This works fine on the Casino Server as one always happens, then the other, but for the player, they may get the replication of the internal HP first, then the net call to do the action animation, meaning your health would get set wrong on the display (which also keeps its own hidden count which was what was decreasing after each of your heals).

This is fixed by simply sending the reported values from the AGC to the client when we tell them to animate an action. Then when displaying damage dealt, instead of calculating it again, we simply apply damage or heals by taking the difference of our internal hp count and the new amount stated by AGC. This should keep everything in sync.

I’m not sure if it’ll be in the next release, as we’ll need to test the fix still, but I’ve coded the fix and it should hopefully be coming soon. I’ll mark his as resolved for now, thank you for your report.