[] Various condo item rotation issues

I’m not exactly sure how to explain this. Items will randomly have different rotation values after changing them, and copying rotation from one object seems to never give the second object the same rotation.

They also seem to randomly start rotating on the wrong axis? I haven’t noticed any pattern.



I’m not entirely sure what the first video is supposed to convey.

Regarding the second video, I was unable to get the same results when duplicating a rotated condo item with the copycat tool.

Do you have any specific reproduction information?

In the first clip, the rotation seems to be on two axis as it’s rotating diagonally instead of only on one angle. Here’s another video to demonstrate my point: https://streamable.com/ivos3j
I’m not sure if this normal, but this isn’t how rotation has worked in my past experience.

I’m able to reproduce the second clip by copycatting the item and resetting the rotation, then copying the coordinates from one wall to the other.