Zombie Massacre

Sweet, I wonder if the classes will be the same as last time?


Yes, they are. They’re listed in the OP.

I just hope the classes will feel different this time around, and won’t share the same “place some kind of a trap down to kill zombies for you” ability

Judging by the ability names, it doesn’t same like they’ll be the same.

There are two abilities. One is the item specific to your class that you can place down to help kill zombies (or help teammates) and the other is the special ability after getting a solid combo kill.


I wonder what the ??? will be

Whats this?

it’s ???

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??? is my favourite
Probably something new of course, ooh new ability

I need to bump this so it still remains relevant

No, you don’t. It’ll bump itself when it gets updated, or when someone has something interesting to say.


I think the safest guess would be, it’s a new Player Class, considering it’s in the “Player Classes” section.

I think it’s a secret illuminati temple hidden under Earth’s crust, sheltering the most powerful legendary pokĂ©mon of all time.

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[ul][li]A new checklist named “Campaign Mode” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Base weapon” has been checked off on the “Main Game” checklist.[/li][/ul]



What? That’s a good thing!

Changed, thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday @CalculatorSpoon

I believe the base weapon is that Glock

If the Journalist in a zombie apocalypse mind you have not at least covered wars ya know then it is not journalist to me. yes i do know i am talking about a photojournalist but come on it’s in a zombie apocalypse with a journalist for a class choice.

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[ul][li]“Macklin Guy” commented “Updated to list all the requirements in detail.”[/li][/ul]