Would You Rather

Not-so beautiful
They’re living things too and it would be fun :smiley:
Would you rather be forced to watch despicable me 100x but only the part Vector is in it or watch titanic 64x with the best bits cut out

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Despicable me, it’s just so much shorter.

Would you rather only be able to eat milk chocolate or only eat every type of chocolate that wasn’t milk?

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In the furry version of TF2, would you rather

Team Furries or Team Scalies?

Furry. Also I’d rather eat Milk Chocolate.

Would you Rather
Be a guest on my talk show
Be a guest on The Bone Zone?

The Bone Zone.

Would you rather survive Thanos snap or die with half of the universe?

I’ll die with half of the universe o.o

Would you rather cross over into The Twilight Zone or The Twilight Sparkle Zone?