Workshop Player Models with a Cost

I feel like player models downloaded from the workshop should be bought with the in-game currency rather than just be free.

In Gmod Tower I always loved buying a new player model as it gave me the sense that I worked hard to get the money needed to do so.

If this idea isn’t possible I wouldn’t mind it, although I feel it would be a good addition to the game :slight_smile:

I can already see a ton of problems with this… I mean what if the playermodel doesn’t even work? Or you thought it looks nice but it turns out it doesn’t support any hats? What would determine the price and does the creator get a cut?


I don’t think this would be a good approach. People could make something cost a lot of units, yet isn’t rigged right, or something.


It could simply work like canvas where you have to buy a blank slot per Workshop item. If the item is flagged, removed or otherwise inaccessible/broken, it would refresh the blank slot.

I’m okay with non-essential tools or features being sold. It gives you a real sense of pride and accomplishment.

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It’s good in principle, but I don’t think we want to have workshop items cost units at all.


Maybe letting players set a price for their work. Just between 0-10.000 units would be nice. I mean, if players recieved something from doing that it would help a lot.

So blank workshop condo items are actually free as well?

They plan to have a canvas like item for these, so I don’t think so.

items not costing could be somewhat a problem in my mind since the main goal of TU in my eyes is to get units while playing then use them units to accessorize, and mainly buy items for your condo, and if you can just get all your items for the condo for free at workshop there will not be much of a point to units to but most stuff other than couple of things. i may have not realized or missed something to prove my point wrong, so if i have tell me.


Yeah, you are correct. Maybe they could make an item that is the Workshop Canvas which costs 500 units and if you want to have unlimited workshop items you would have to buy a 3D Printer item for 50,000 - 100,000

That’s actually the current plan for furniture.

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I really think that workshop player models (and items) should come with a price, as well as an option to demo them out for free for, let’s say, thirty minutes, to see if they’re functional and up to your standards before you make the purchase.

As a person that doesn’t care all that much about his condo and the furniture in it anymore, I’ve been struggling to find stuff to spend my units on. I mean, there’s a few accessories, but they are really cheap (the paper crown is a single extreme exception, its existence doesn’t migitate the problem) and kinda crappy. There are the bowling balls, but unless you really like bowling, you’ll only want one or two. There’s spin to win, but you can get most of its exclusive items pretty quickly. And then there are catsacks, which are, after you obtain a single potato gun and a number of flying turtles, mostly just a depressing waste of money, but also the only long-term money sink anyone who doesn’t care about decorating their place has.

The prices could be standarized, or based on the models’ popularity. I just think there should be something new and lasting for people like me to spend their units on. Something to work towards, because fun, satisfying, overarching rewards are, in my eyes, one of the things that give this game meaning (in addition to a vibrant, interconnected community, varied, exciting updates and events and smaller, hopefully original and truly fun gameplay ideas, although that’s rather subjective), because its individual parts, gameworlds and activities aren’t always that focused on by the dev team.
I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just that I personally believe that this game is focused on being many things at once, and that it’d be unrealistical to expect every individual activity to have the scale, quality and focus single-concept games can have. However, I also think that this variety can also be a good thing if it’s embraced and built upon.

Then again, I’m probably in the minority here and I should just wait for achievements and such, as well as the Upgrade store, the Arcade and other, similiar pieces of content to come out and help with this.


yeah agreed ^^^
but if workshop player models and stuff are gonna be free i want more stuff to spend units on that i would want to spend them on, the problem is most units are focused on condo which is a good thing… But for people like me who cant build anything and wants something else to splurge my units on, the games gets agitating when im getting units but i dont want to spend my money on the stuff that is in the game currently. i guess once the upgrade store and milestones and achievements comes that will ease me down more, but i would like a little something like buy able workshop player models to be a thing.

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We’d have to make an entire backend system to track Units and workshop items you’ve used. We are gonna require buying placable workshop items, just like the canvas item, but player models would be much more difficult to make them cost Units.

But ignoring technical stuff, I really don’t think it would be good to have player models cost Units - it’s just cumbersome and not fun. It would also kinda kill all interest in workshop for new players.

Achievements, milestones, and the unlockables store will more than fill your desire for more unlockable & progressive rewards. Catsacks will eventually have more items added to them as well.

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Well… yeah, I see. Didn’t consider that.

That’s pretty subjective, I think. I personally think it’d be more enjoyable to pay for the playermodels, but as I’ve said, I’m probably in the minority. However, furniture items aren’t free and yet people buy them to decorate their condos and neither does the price scare new players from trying to build.
Still, I understand how unfun buying playermodels could be for a lot of people.

Alright, I see.

yeah, i guess i would kind of prefer to have the update out sooner and have free workshop player models, than wait another few weeks just to be buy them with units and have other people be upset or irritated by it.
also [quote=“macdguy, post:15, topic:28530”]
unshockables store

haha did you mean upgrades store…
one last thing i want to ask… Is there a plan to have other stuff other than Condos, condo items, catsacks, accessories and the equipable items, to be able to spend units on?
since after im not bothered about all the condo stuff, i have got almost all equipable items that normal users can get and soon i will be able to buy all accessories and i will have nothing left that i will want to spend my units on…

This is what I get for posting at 4am.


In the near future:

Unlockables: There’s like 10-20 items that change your appearance of in-game cosmetics per Game World (like the Ball Race ball).

Milestones: Once you get to a certain EXP amount (per Game World) you get rewarded with an item based on that Game World.

Cooking: Purchasing ingredients to craft new items.

Fishing: Purchasing lures to get fish.

We’ll probably add more ways to spend your Units as well.


nice looking forward to it all, and dont overwork yourself and end up tiring yourself out :wink: