Workshop and units

Maybe an work-around could be to set every workshop item to 5k units. That way, there is no need to approve them.


this would be an easy way of doing it

This is honestly my favorite idea for workshop. Curator style workshop can open up a lot of new ideas for TU.


I really want to express my concerns on this topic. Ive searched and found this to be the most productive with dealing with currency and the workshop. First off, i really like this game. This is unique games and one of a kind in my opinion. The newest update that game out introduced the workshop. This is an awesome feature and expands on creativity and options for players. A++ on the whole update, butā€¦the workshop needs to have currency integrated. Everything costs money in this games. Everything and thats a good thing. This is one of Tower Unites main concepts and makes it the unique game it is. Giving players almost unlimited items for free from the workshop will go against the concept of the game. I dont want to buy this so ill get from the workshop because its easier. Thats the mentality im afraid of and now that the workshop is out, i already feel that way. There is no reward or satisfaction for downloading free workahop content. We need to earn it. This will only help the game. I hope you guys know this. Everything needs to cost units and must be earned to keep not only game interest but progression. If you read this thank you and have a good day

In order to use a Workshop Item in a condo, the player must purchase a Workshop Furniture Item that costs 1,200 units at Robā€™s Imports. Theyā€™ll need 1 Workshop Furniture Item per Workshop Upload.


Thank you for the reply. Awesome to hear. What about player skins/models? Those were free. Any plans for cost?

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We donā€™t have any plans to make player models from workshop require units.


yeah at first i didnā€™t like the idea of them being free (this was before the update), but now i really like it, especially since i can have my little collection of player models to choose from and easily add anymore, and also my main problem is that i thought there were going to be a bunch of bad Original Character player models that were made badly, but it seems everyone tends to use normal mainstream video game characters, which feels like Gmod Tower and i love it.
but yeah the items should be costing units (like they are now) and the future workshop accessories should cost units too (which i think they are going to)

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To add on to what Caboose said:

Thereā€™s a couple reasons why player models canā€™t have Unit costs:

  1. Itā€™s technically difficult. Weā€™d have to create anti-cheat stuff and also purchasing player models would have to work differently than the Plaza.
  2. What if the model is broken? Weā€™d have to handle refunds.
  3. It prevents players from enjoying player models instantly. Player models are a way to express and customize your look, yes, but they are different from accessories because they are the base model, not additional models.
  4. Switching between player models would get really annoying because youā€™d have to keep purchasing the new one.

Makes sense and good to know. Thanks for the reply.

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So Iā€™m a bit confused after this reply. Are Workshop items free, or 1,200 units. Brand new member here, so I havenā€™t gotten on the game to see for myself yet.

Anyone can use a workshop playermodel for free, thereā€™s no charge. If a user wants to use a workshop model in their condo, they need to buy an item called the Workshop Furniture, which costs 1,200 units. For each model on workshop the user wants to display in their condo, theyā€™ll need to buy a Workshop Furniture item for each.


Cool, thanks for the quick response. Impressive. Usually Devā€™s arenā€™t so active on forums. The game looks fun, and I canā€™t wait to get a chance to get playing

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