User vs Moderation/Staff Team

Room A113.

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Dunno what to say about it.
Heres a spooky SCP under its name.
If you wanna read.

[details=The SCP (I copied off the wikia article, so prepare for your page to extend.]tem #: SCP-114

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-114 is kept in a 10 m3 standard concrete humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The cell is positioned at the bottom of a 40 m shaft to prevent staff members from coming into the proximity of SCP-114. The cell is accessible by a staircase restricted to emergency use only. Daily rations are provided to SCP-114 three times a day by means of a dumbwaiter. SCP-114 is also permitted to submit written requests to attending staff by the same means. To date, SCP-114 has been granted one Qur’an (Arabic), one prayer rug, and one blank journal with pens.

Research on SCP-114 is suspended until further notice. Elimination of SCP-114 is acceptable in the event of a multiple containment-breach crisis.

Description: SCP-114 is a Pashtun woman of Afghani origin, approximately 40 years old and 160 cm tall. SCP-114 has the involuntary effect of fostering and escalating violent conflict between all individuals in her proximity. Subjects within ten to fifteen meters of SCP-114 become inconsolably aggressive at trivialities or points of little consequence, often to the degree of projecting hostile motives on others. Arguments generally arise between individuals after one to three minutes of exposure to SCP-114. The resulting arguments turn to violence in all cases.

Notably, persons affected by the presence of SCP-114 will never exhibit hostility towards SCP-114 or attempt to inflict harm upon her. Subjects ordered to deliberately injure SCP-114 find themselves unable to do so. For relevant information, see Experiment Log 114-A.

Communication with SCP-114 has only been possible through written notes or electronic means. Researchers have gleaned that SCP-114 is unaware of her effect on other people. She shows little to no response to exposure to violence, and seems to be under the impression that human beings are naturally aggressively hostile to each other.

SCP-114 is consistently unresponsive and uncooperative with researchers, and appears to be acutely wary of human interaction. Due to the difficulty of communication with SCP-114, psychological evaluations have been speculative at best. Rudimentary assessments strongly suggest psychological trauma – combat stress reaction and/or compassion fatigue have been tentatively proposed.[/details]

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Even after 115 reads, It still is confusing.

It took me 1 minute and 56 seconds to write this.

So 116 secs? Well I’ll say 117 then

  11      11      88888
   1       1     8      8
   1       1     8      8
   1       1      88888
   1       1     8      8
   1       1     8      8
   1       1     8      8
  111     111     888888

1 - uno
2 - dos
3 - tres
4 - cuatro
5 - cinco
6 - seis
7 - siete
8 - ocho
9 - nueve
10 - diez

11 - once
12 - doce
13 - trece
14 - catorce
15 - quince
16 - dieciséis
17 - diecisiete
18 - dieciocho
19 - diecinueve
20 - veinte

21 - veintiuno
22 - veintidós
23 - veintitrés
24 - veinticuatro
25 - veinticinco
26 - veintiséis
27 - veintisiete
28 - veintiocho
29 - veintinueve
30 - treinta

31 - treinta y uno
32 - treinta y dos
33 - treinta y tres
34 - treinta y cuatro
35 - treinta y cinco
36 - treinta y seis
37 - treinta y siete
38 - treinta y ocho
39 - treinta y nueve
40 - cuarenta

41 - cuarenta y uno
42 - cuarenta y dos
43 - cuarenta y tres
44 - cuarenta y cuatro
45 - cuarenta y cinco
46 - cuarenta y seis
47 - cuarenta y siete
48 - cuarenta y ocho
49 - cuarenta y nueve
50 - cincuenta

50 - cincuenta
51 - cincuenta y uno
52 - cincuenta y dos
53 - cincuenta y tres
54 - cincuenta y cuatro
55 - cincuenta y cinco
56 - cincuenta y seis
57 - cincuenta y siete
58 - cincuenta y ocho
59 - cincuenta y nueve
60 - sesenta

61 - sesenta y uno
62 - sesenta y dos
63 - sesenta y tres
64 - sesenta y cuatro
65 - sesenta y cinco
66 - sesenta y seis
67 - sesenta y siete
68 - sesenta y ocho
69 - sesenta y nueve
70 - setenta

71 - setenta y uno
72 - setenta y dos
73 - setenta y tres
74 - setenta y cuatro
75 - setenta y cinco
76 - setenta y seis
77 - setenta y siete
78 - setenta y ocho
79 - setenta y nueve
80 - ochenta

81 - ochenta y uno
82 - ochenta y dos
83 - ochenta y tres
84 - ochenta y cuatro
85 - ochenta y cinco
86 - ochenta y seis
87 - ochenta y siete
88 - ochenta y ocho
89 - ochenta y nueve
90 - noventa

91 - noventa y uno
92 - noventa y dos
93 - noventa y tres
94 - noventa y cuatro
95 - noventa y cinco
96 - noventa y seis
97 - noventa y siete
98 - noventa y ocho
99 - noventa y nueve
100 - cien

101 - ciento uno
102 - ciento dos
103 - ciento tres
104 - ciento cuatro
105 - ciento cinco
106 - ciento seis
107 - ciento siete
108 - ciento ocho
109 - ciento nueve
110 - ciento diez

111 - ciento once
112 - ciento doce
113 - ciento trece
114 - ciento catorce
115 - ciento quince
116 - ciento dieciséis
117 - ciento diecisiete
118 - ciento dieciocho
119 - ciento diecinueve
120 - ciento veinte


[An active instance of SCP-121-1]

Im probs gonna do every number that I do will be an SCP.




Intercity 125

One hundred and twenty six.

1111111 in base 2

512 divided by 4


132 (one hundred [and] thirty-two) is the natural number following 131 and preceding 133.

132 is the sixth Catalan number.It is a pronic number, the product of 11 and 12. As it has 12 divisors total, 132 is a refactorable number.

If you take the sum of all 2-digit numbers you can make from 132, you get 132: 12+13+21+23+31+32=132, 12+13+21+23+31+32=132. 132 is the smallest number with this property, which is shared by 264, 396 and 35964 (see digit-reassembly number).