User vs Moderation/Staff Team

It’s alright. I don’t make them daily, but I do sometimes think of news 17 hours at a time.

I thought of 18 news stories: This just in: Upgrade Store now under construction.

Stop with the jokes, you need to grow up to 19 years old.

19’s an odd number, how about 20?

21 was a crappy, unoriginal meme

A simple fact: 23 is prime

something isn’t right 24/7

5 squared = 25

I have nothing clever so


Whats so cool about 28? Well… I don’t know!

29 hehe


I’m waiting for 3.1 update for {insert game name here}

If you times 11, by 3, you get 33

Initiate a Restart, I might have Broken Rule 34.


Wait did we restart or was it just a joke? For now I’ll split the battle and edit whatever needs to be edited. :stuck_out_tongue:
FINAL EDIT: That took me too long to figure out. Carry on. :]
FINAL EDIT FOR REAL: OH COME ON!! Okay I just changed the image. This has been my most disastrous reply yet. Wait what now? I just bridged a gap and now the other posts are broken! D:>

35, because only mods can restart