User vs Moderation/Staff Team




xbox one

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I see 2 objects in this image

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This photo has been poster 3 times!

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The controller has 4 buttons to the right, arranged in a rombus shape.

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If you cross your eyes, tilt your head to the side and squint really hard, this image does not look like a five. You also look really stupid doing that, stop it.

i rate this meme 6/10

Rhode Island Housing Bonds, Question 7, was on the November 8, 2016, ballot in Rhode Island as a legislatively-referred bond question. It was approved.

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I think you counted wrong, there are 9 characters in that string.


I think you need glasses, because there’s 10 characters there.

lets go back to the good ole’ times, before the jokes.


Guys, you need to stop acting like you’re 12

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 13 hours)

At this moment in time, I started my French Mock at 14:00 GMT , that’s 2pm

You’re right, I do need glasses. I’ve had my current pair for what seems like 15 years.

This is actually true, I do wear glasses (though I’ve only had them for about 10 years). My eyesight isn’t terrible, but I have a hard time reading without them.

package cycle_counter;

public class Cycle_Counter {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          int index = 1, indexMax = 16;
          System.out.println("How many cycles will this loop go through?");
          while (index <= indexMax) {
               System.out.println("Cycle number: " + index);
          System.out.println("The loop went through " + indexMax + " cycles.");
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embedded plz thank

(18 characters including spaces)