User vs Moderation/Staff Team


November 19th, 2016 is a day that will occur on November 19th, 2016.
This only happens once in a universal cycle.


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What comes after 20?
An overused, terrible joke

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22 is a pretty neat number. Maybe you’re reading this on the 22nd of November, 2016?

I’ll turn 23 in a bit more than three years

Ill turn 24 in 10 years

We might need to talk about the 25 things that need to happen to TU

26 absolutely SHOCKING facts you NEVER knew about Tower Unite!

27 twenty seven XXVII
we need a meme for twenty seven

I might have a meme for 28 though.
However, this meme feels like it was made by a normie.

That seems like it was made 29 years ago. You need some fresh, zesty memes

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Well I should have spent 30 minutes looking for a meme, but I couldn’t really find anything good the lest time I checked for a meme to put in this thread. What would you expect me to do, write more JAVA code again?

Yeah, actually.

Oh, and 31.

well I’m not 32, I’m half of that.

The previous post was made 33 minutes ago.
Also that was a shit meme

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Please there are 34 memes that are worse than that!


I can name 35 things that are worse than that meme.

California Proposition 36, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, was an initiative statute that permanently changed state law to allow qualifying defendants convicted of non-violent drug possession offenses to receive a probationary sentence in lieu of incarceration.

BR Class 37: a Diesel Electric Loco

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Amendment 38 was a measure on the 2006 ballot in Colorado. If passed, it would have amended the Colorado Constitution. It would have extended the petition process to all levels of state government to expand citizens’ ability to propose changes to state laws and local ordinances or resolutions.