



This card has no description.


[ul][li]https://trello.com/c/9BdHpy4k/295-map-ball-race-oasis-based-on-brsandworld[/li][li]https://trello.com/c/DdpLH7JR/104-rollercoaster[/li][li]Updated the interior of the Arcade with the latest arcade models[/li][li]Made some general optimizations to the Plaza map[/li][li]Moved location of Estate Agent (Horizon Condos)[/li][li]Started construction of the new Nature store[/li][li]Added LOD’s to various condo items[/li][li]Overhaul of Steam inventory implementation to support stacks[/li][li]New player locomotion (walking, running, etc.) animations (for Lobby/Condo players)[/li][li]New player swimming animations (for Lobby/Condo players)[/li][li]Investigate if we can increase the amount of items per store purchase from 30 to 100[/li][li]https://trello.com/c/I3LMas5A/308-laser-tag-art-optimization-and-polishing-update[/li][li]Ball Race: Melons now rotate and float[/li][li]Laser Projector has been updated to allow for custom expression effects[/li][li]Laser Projector was optimized and has new laser beams[/li][/ul]

Bug Fixes

[ul][li]Fixed Bowling TV animations for strike and spares not playing properly[/li][li]Fixed a bug where your head would move while using the view self mode (holding right click) in Lobby[/li][li]Fixed plenty of Out of Map issues in Plaza[/li][li]Fixed weird reflection issue on top of the Bowling Exterior[/li][li]Fixed odd collision on the Rollercoaster signs[/li][li]Monorail supports now have proper collisions[/li][li]Fixed slightly misplaced collision box outside of Lazer Tag[/li][li]Fixed the Monorail connector and various other items from randomly appearing near the Monorail bridge[/li][li]Removed random geometry that was sticking out of the Fresh store[/li][li]Fixed issue with Beach chairs outside the Beach houses facing you in the wrong direction[/li][li]Fixed an inventory issue where equippables would dequip sometimes[/li][li]Fixed inventory issue where dragging an item from the world into your inventory wouldn’t go in the hovered slot[/li][li]Fixed glasses not working on Milk Carton[/li][/ul]

Before Ship

[ul][li]Build[/li][li]Test[/li][li]Write changelog[/li][li]Deploy[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed weird reflection issue on top of the Bowling Exterior” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed plenty of Out of Map issues in Plaza” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed odd collision on the Rollercoaster signs” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Monorail supports now have proper collisions” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed slightly misplaced collision box outside of Lazer Tag” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed the Monorail connector and various other items from randomly appearing near the Monorail bridge” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Removed random geometry that was sticking out of the Fresh store” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


Finally, no more mechanicals pieces flying in there.

I can’t wait to tell people that you can buy trees there and then see them be disappointed.


[ul][li]“Moved location of Estate Agent (Horizon Condos)” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Made some general optimizations to the Plaza map” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Started construction of the new Nature store” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed Bowling TV animations for strike and spares not playing properly” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed a bug where your head would move while using the view self mode (holding right click) in Lobby” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


I really like this…

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Well now theres gonna be more people asking about the realtor location

Yeah but at least the location makes sense now. It was in such a random place before. This new spot is way more logical.

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“go into the Tower… not up the elevators, but through the main entrance into the lobby… no, not the condo lobby, the first floor lobby… now look up… no, not through that shaft thing… little down… down… you see that catwalk-thing?.. over there… no, now you’re in the unfinished art gallery… no, go back… no, that’s the monorail station… turn around… round that corner… left… bingo!”


Lol. Basically. Now, it’s just “it’s on the second floor of Sweet Suites”. That’s way easier.


[ul][li]“Fixed issue with Beach chairs outside the Beach houses facing you in the wrong direction” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Added LOD’s to various condo items” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed inventory issue where dragging an item from the world into your inventory wouldn’t go in the hovered slot” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed an inventory issue where equippables would dequip sometimes” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.[/li][li]“Overhaul of Steam inventory implementation to support stacks” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


I cannot wait to see these new animations in the update! Also, I cannot wait for the nature store! FINALLY the garden in my underwater condo won’t look so BARREN!

[ul][li]Card was renamed from “Update” to “Update”.[/li][/ul]




[ul][li]“Investigate if we can increase the amount of items per store purchase from 30 to 100” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“https://trello.com/c/I3LMas5A/308-laser-tag-art-optimization-and-polishing-update” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.[/li][/ul]