Trumps hair as a hat

Oh hey, i expected negative answers but all i got is walls of text of some “trump hair” and “porn”, It’s one heck of a wall that i have to TL;DR it!

As much as I’d find a Trump hair funny as hell, I won’t deny there will be people that WILL blow this out of proportion as some act that Pixeltail ‘supports’ Trump.
(Which by the way isn’t a crime in any way, people can choose what president they want ya’know).

I’d rather Tower Unite remain politics free for the most part, jabbing at political parties is how you start pissing part of your community that doesn’t understand a joke.
Look no further than Yooka-Laylee and the Jontron issue, both sides got pissy.
I’d hate for such a thing to happen here so it’s best to play it safe…


I wish Trump didn’t have his hair so it could be added to the game without people getting angry.

That is the best quote on the forums

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We won’t be making this as an official item.



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