Trivia Questions and Verification

So there’s 906 questions pending verification.

I’m curious as to how long the cycle is to getting around to verifying a bunch, don’t get me wrong 2,215 questions currently is great. But (no offense to weebs) a good chunk of them are anime questions that are apparently “Easy”.


as a weeb I can confirm there are also many “easy” non-anime questions that are easy only for those in the associated fandom

Each question has to be verified by one of our staff. By verified, the question has to be actually factual and fit the trivia question format. It is also spell checked and any grammatical issues are fixed.

Usually this is done by Caboose or Lifeless and the process can take awhile.

Every question is handled in the order it was received. Categories are not prioritized, but what could happen is someone submitted like 20 of the same category of questions on their submit day.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed. Tis a bit irritating.


Given the sheer volume of submissions, would you consider letting people volunteer to vet questions in the future, or are you planning to simply stop accepting new questions at some point?

If you were to be ambitious and say each person could process 1 question every 3 minutes, that is still 22ish hours of work per person, and presumably the submissions are growing every day. It looks like there are more submissions now than there were several days a go. I take it trivia questions aren’t a priority at this point in development.

I really like the trivia game but I agree that the pool of questions is a bit heavy on anime and games. It’s fun being able to submit questions, but I wonder if they’ll ever make it into the game, given they are in a queue with 980 others.

I am also waiting for my questions to be verified, is there a way you could accept volunteers to verify your submitted questions? I’m writing in questions myself for the same reason as Jargoons.