There should be a color select ball (in BallRace)?

Making your ball (from ball race) any color you want. Similar to mini golf that we have now, where you picked your different color that you should be for this one in ballrace?
Im also reference the color from Super monkey ball where they had different colors like blue,red,yellow,aqua,green,black,white,purple, including rainbow, and etc. idk

We have it for minigolf, so why not ball race? I agree.


May already be planned with but if not, I think it would fit in there.

Nah doesn’t have color change to the ball in trello. only shapes and interior of the ball.

My only worry is slowing down the flow to Ball Race. Right now it really quickly puts you into the game.

However, adding this color state could be a good place for tutorial tips as well.

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Alternatively, you can put the option for mini golf and ball race the the player customization editor.


I plan to redo that editor for the workshop update. It’s probably the oldest UI in the game now next to the “waiting for host” prompt. It needs lots of care. Minigolf color doesn’t actually get saved, which would be a neat feature as well.


This is good to hear. We’ve had UI updates for the “C” menu in the condos and they feel much snappier, but the customization menu does still feel a bit clunky, I must admit. Glad it’s being worked on! :smiley:

sorry for resurrecting this post, but I hope this will be in the upgrades update still

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With the upgrades what it you can get custom multi colours like rainbow, black and white and such in place of the normal automatic colours

yes, but I want the ability to choose from the normal colors also like you can with bowling/golf

i think he meant along with this also add that

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