The Tragedy of Grand Quest the Profitable

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Grand Quest the Profitable? I thought not. It’s not a story that Mac would tell you. It’s a Casino legend. Grand Quest was a game of infamy, so profitable and so fun it could grant any player 20,000 units in a single sitting…It had such financial potency that it could keep the ones it cared about well supplied with canvases. The ritual of grinding Grand Quest is a pathway to an amount of wealth some consider to be unnatural. It was so powerful…The only thing it was afraid of was tripping, which eventually, of course, it did. Unfortunately, it gave its user everything it could, then the dragon killed him after too many trips. Ironic. It could save others from debt, but not himself.


I sense salt.

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Ok, I get it. I didn’t get the joke.

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