The Person Below Me

[comic sans]…[comic sans]

name of person below me starts on “S” letter

Sorry sir, some seldom say so.

The person below me has been studying drawing theory and such for a couple of weeks now hoping to create a new profile picture… all the while hoping it won’t bring harsh criticism every half hour, especially from those close to them.

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I cant’t draw for shit.
The person below me is the user above me…?

Correct. And if you’re looking to get drawing and stuff, know that a lot of it is actually a learned process, as in, you have to know things like proportions and how to manipulate objects in 3D space and also how to actually create something step by step from your mind and such. Drawing with talent alone won’t get you as far as you can get when you understand the why and the how behind the thing you’re imitating when drawing.

The person below me has more to share on that subject.

Regrettably, I Don’t. I do however know about what the worst poetry in the universe is.

The person below me knows what a Vogon is.

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Yes. Vogons are a fictional alien race from the planet Vogsphere in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy—initially a BBC Radio series by Douglas Adams—who are responsible for the destruction of the Earth, in order to facilitate an intergalactic highway construction project for a hyperspace express route.
i literally just learned that by googling that xd

The person below me will have had typed in progress to make their post.

Will have had? I think so. Yeah.

The person below me watched all 2 episodes of Season 5 Samurai Jack that have been released so far, and can’t wait for next ones.

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Sorry but I don’t watch Samurai Jack.

The person below me is angry because I bumped this thread.

Sort of.

The Person Below Me has played PAYDAY 2, Alot. :neutral_face:

I guess it counts as ‘alot’.

The person below me didn’t like last TU update.

I didn’t like the last TU Update…

The Person Below Me Thinks Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are the best presenters in the whole world.

Yes. They are the Top producers.

pun, excessive use of spoiler send help

The person below me has gone inside the weird corridor under the Plaza.

I did, actually. It didn’t look like anything to me. bestow upon me the hidden secrets behind the development of Tower, unfortunately. That knowledge is probably too valuable to be kept in there.

The person below me knows of a perfect colour scheme that makes every art piece look stellar and fantastic. I don’t!

Sorry but I don’t take art, each colour scheme is unique though

The person below me thinks bumping posts make them mad

As long as you add to the discussion, I don’t care

The person below me is really pumped for shrek 5

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Wait there is a Shrek 5 now? Maybe.

The person below me is a tekken expert

I have no idea what tekken is.

The person below me knows what tekken is.

I know it’s a fighting game, but I don’t really play fighting games so that’s the extent of my knowledge.

The person below me has extensive knowledge of fighting games.

A lot of knowledge yes.

The person below me has coursework to do.