The most underused location in the Plaza

Ferris wheel

Beach houses

The beach (not the boardwalk one)

The monorail

All “TAHP SECRITT” locations

The Art exhibit

All unfinished locations

The fishing shop

If you disagree, it’s okay. this is how i have it from MY perspective

Well considering the art exhibit and fishing shop are unfinished i’d imagine they wouldn’t be used :wink:


What’s the point of this thread?


these aren’t underused, they’re just pointless


I really do feel bad about the beach area, it’s lovely but I don’t really see the appeal in a virtual avatar enjoying themselves and relaxing. Same with the Ferris wheel.

hey the ferris wheel was a prime destination in 0.0.2
i mean so was anything else that exsisted but youknow
there wasnt alot of map

(0.0.2 being the first backer release)


I feel those locations add depth to the world and give you a fun area to explore. I’ve seen people use these places to go AFK or to just sit around and chat. Younger players might also find it fun to roleplay.

I hardly visit these spaces either, but I appreciate the thought that has gone into the environment.


Gonna play the devil’s advocate here, but I think it’s ok to have “underused” areas. Especially the beach and the ferris wheel. They are quiet and relaxing, even if that doesn’t sit well with most TU players.
Still have no clue what the point of the monorail is though

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The transit station elevator into the tower

To all.
The monorail has a job.
It su# at it tho.

it’s slogan should be “take the monorail, save -153 seconds!”

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am i the only one that takes time out of my experience to appreciate how truly gorgeous this game is? i kind of spend more time walking around and appreciating the scenery than actually playing the game x3


I go by the Gold Bricks and just look at them for a while and try to see players that I knew from GMT that I don’t see at all on TU.

Pay respects to those that have fallen.


I can see where you’re coming from, but things like the Ferris Wheel/Boardwalk and the beach make Tower Unite feel like an actual living space, as someone said earlier, it adds depth & character to the map. It might not always be busy but it’s great to look at and walk by any time you need to get to the bowling or lazer tag.


I must admit, they’re good looking. And make for good landmarks.

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I made this video specifically for this thread to show why it’s important to have character, aesthetic and pretty things in a map.


This is really nice, I’d recommend more of these for sure!

Good stuff!