Survivors are too OP in Virus gamemode

:confused: ???

tfw means “that feeling when” and tbh means “to be honest” ye, internet slang is hard to understand sometimes (4chan)

Er, i know what TFW and TBH means, i use them pretty often everywhere, even in the discord chat (well- mfw specifically)

i was just simply pointing out that he was pretty much repeating himself, and if so, probably trying to catch everyone’s attention (for some reason)

I didn’t say it was Timesplitters, Sapphire did, don’t put that on me. The solution is what I said.
Step 1: Remove Infected’s Instant Kill attacks
Step 2: Introduce a damage meter for both sides.
Step 3: Give Infected more health than Survivors. Like 1.5x or 2.0x the survivors health.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit


That literally makes 0 difference, you could even say “give them x3 more speed!” but hey, it still wouldn’t make a difference, why? because the survivors have lightning reflexes and powerful guns, oh and don’t forget the radar, sure the virus has one but they don’t have guns!, seriously no matter how much health a virus has, unless it has more than it needs for it to be considered unbalanced, the survivors WILL take a virus down, alone, or together.

Also removing the insta-kill attacks is basically telling the virus they should just leave the game and go back to the lobby, seriously i wouldn’t even begin to tell you how many people would do that if the instant-kill feature was removed, i mean it’s a pain to kill survivors already, so why take away the ONE advantage viruses have?! (And don’t begin to tell me that the ‘enraged’ virus system gives them an advantage, that only happens if they get killed twice in a row at the start of a round without infecting anyone, and that gets removed the instant someone gets infected)

##Let me get the facts straight here.

You want to remove instant kill and make it so you have to claw at Survivors?
Isn’t that just L4D zombies or basically any zombie gamemode ever? This is Virus. It’s a tag-based game.

You want to change the infected to be NPCs?
While this actually could solve making infection gameplay being boring it introduces a lot more issues:

  • Now when you die what do you do?
  • You remove the ability to change the outcome of the result of the game.
  • You remove the ability to get back at a survivor who left you for dust.
  • You remove the ability to actually input into the game while you’re out of the game.
  • You also remove the human element which is how infected can even win in Virus, they trick players. NPCs would never be as smart as humans.

You want to add classes?
Isn’t that just L4D classes? This is Virus. We shouldn’t over-complicate it. Adding classes just to “hope solve” core issues often makes gameplay badly designed.

You want to give the infected more speed?
Doesn’t that just ruin the survivors chances to escape ever?

##Let’s take a break for a second and think about the problems again.

  • Infected gameplay is boring; it’s hard to trick players most of the time
  • Survivors have too many shotgun-based weapons
  • Survivors camp

##Okay, let’s see what we can do about them.

  • Infected gameplay is boring; it’s hard to trick players most of the time

  • Solution A. Could we possibly add a way to hide yourself from the radar? Maybe crouching as infected will let you sneak up on players. However, players should still be able use their actual eyes and still see you.

  • Solution B. Maybe add a growl sound to scare players? It wouldn’t effect gameplay but it would be great to add tension.

  • Solution C. What about the ability to growl and it cuts off radar of nearby survivors for a split second while your buddy infected sneaks up on them?

  • Solution D. Leave it as is.

  • Survivors have too many shotgun-based weapons

    • Solution A. Reduce ammo of shotgun-based weaponry

    • Solution B. Reduce bullet travel distance of shotgun-based weaponry

    • Solution C. Decrease reload speed of shotgun-based weaponry

  • Survivors camp

    • I want to briefly mention how this is actually not a problem and this is fun gameplay. The key to surviving is standing your ground and when shit goes south you get the f*** out of dodge.

##Comments are definitely welcome.


If we’ll have more enclosed maps where you can’t see everything from one corner (I’m looking at you, Aztec), then I’d say having a temporary ‘hide from radar’ ability would be a very welcome change.

Shotguns could definitely do with less ammo and longer reloads. There should be an incentive to use other weapons.

I definitely agree with these:

To me, the fact that the infected can one-shot you is the very reason it’s so tense as a survivor. Knowing that one missed shot means the end of you and that one infected gone unnoticed can kill is why I have so much fun. Knowing that it would be okay to take a couple hits would probably be detrimental to the experience.

As for problem solutions, I especially like Infected Solution C. That radar is definitely a life-saver in almost any circumstance; a way to interfere with the survivors’ radars would be a devious, fun way to aid the infected and induce further panic.


This is just a minor typo, I’m assuming, as increased time to reload would hinder using a shotgun while increased speed of reloading would benefit shotgun users.

Yeah my bad. I meant that it would take longer to reload.

See this is the beauty of Pixeltailgames, just straight to the point.

Anyway, choosing the solutions mac has given us, i’d personally choose:

Solution C for the infected gameplay, i mean the first solution seems great, don’t get me wrong, but you have to account for speed loss, and the second option, i get what mac is getting at, i’d love to see some tension, but it seems more like it’d give your position away.

As for survivors having too many shotgun based weapons, option A all the way, You just get too much ammo and i think everyone takes the other weapons for granted (Except the flak handcannon for it’s Insta-killness (and the dual silencers for some reason…)), which is a shame if you ask me, i mean we got all these guns that the devs put so much work into, only for the majority to focus on 1 - 3 guns! and two of them are shotguns!

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Solution C for the infected would probably work the best, though there might be issues with spamming. Also, if you’re trying to add tension, increasing the speed (somewhere around 1.5x or 2x) of both survivors and infected might work as well (emphasis on might).

I’m all for a more naval type radar, kinda like sonar on submarines that don’t continuously track enemies position but instead send out waves and gives positions based on pings.

Would work for survivors that use the radar as their eyes.


This is what we need

My opinion (the one with the NPCs) was propably affected by my dislike of the gamemode, so… don’t take it too serious. I won’t start hating pixeltail for the way one minigame works. :grin:

THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! This would give a much-needed advantage to the infected.

That’s actually a good idea. It wouldn’t alone fix all the problems, but it would help greatly.

also its very nice