Suggestions for the "Permissions" tab in the condo menu

The current Condo permissions menu is kind of… empty. You probably have stuff planned but I’ll leave my own ideas here anyway.


  • Permission
    Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3

These permissions could be helpful to condo owners:

  • Allow placing down and consumation of food items
    Everyone / Friends Only / No One

  • Allow players to use light switches
    Everyone / Friends Only / No One

  • Show player particle effects
    Enabled / Disabled

  • Allow movement items (Jetpack & Speed Shoes)
    Enabled / Disabled

  • Player collisions
    Enabled / Disabled

maybe even more specific stuff aswell as friend only and such, like allow this for that player only
another suggestion could be disable potions or something or force sizes to a certain size giving normal potion a more proper use


And don’t forget fireworks. Whether players can place down and ignite fireworks or not.


We have a system similar to this in the pipeline.