Disregard This And Everything I Say In It

This topic is out of date And I Have Changed My Opinion Drastically As Tower Unite’s Development Continued, The Things I Say In The Proceeding Topic Are No Longer The Way I Feel About The Game And It’s Content, So as the name of the topic suggests disregard it and everything I say In It

While I still LOVE this community and this game something has been bothering me, the community doesn’t feel there it feels gone and empty, very rarely have I come across someone I know from GMT and that is quite surprising to me, it might just be the fact that the Official servers are down (at the time I’m writing this) but I think the number one reason is TOO MANY SERVERS, while it gives a little more freedom to the player I guess, maybe? But I feel it’s just PULLING the community apart, secondly the condos don’t feel like it’s apart of the game, they feel separate and just over all gloomy and empty, even with furniture, on my first 3 days of gmt my condo looked a lot more full and alive bright and just a place I can have a few friends over get drunk at laugh at the hysterically funny dialog changes now it just feels like “oh this is a thing okay that’s it” and I think the reason for that is the fact that they are hosted on different servers, that will most likely change but I don’t know, Now back to my first topic, I don’t think they will get rid of community made servers cause the whole workshop and modding thing, it saddens me because I think it will just slowly pull the community apart, while a workshop might be a good idea on paper, I want you to go to Gmod and slowly scroll through the items there, some are good and just want to make the game better, others ehhhh kinda just make you regret joining that server that forced you to install it, I miss the small quaint community of GMtower lets hope TU gets better

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sorry, that typo was bugging me.

Also, I’ve heard this complaint a lot. On one hand, I can see where people are coming from, but on the other, I think the community people want will return once everything settles down.

The reason why nobody is really just hanging out in condos and the Plaza and stuff at the moment is because, let’s be honest, there really isn’t much reason to spend time in them right now. After the Plaza gets it’s Casino and the other attractions back, it’ll probably feel alive again.

Just a couple of servers was not going to be enough this time around. There will be too many players from all over the world. And separating the Condo from the Plaza would have been the only way to make it work I think, for the same reason. I can’t really word this in a way that it would make sense, but basically they have their reasons for changing everything like this.

It’s still the Tower, it’s just going to take some getting used to.


something that was supposed to back up your statement turned into a rant about condos for some odd reason Like I said I hope the community is back and bustling like it once was, and again bringing up my problem with condos you can’t just check in and “you are at condo 12 floor 2” it INSTANTLY teleports you to another server where the only way people can join is if they go to the main menu, look for your name click on it
and wait through the a loading screen, you can’t just go into the condo lobby and be all like “I’m pretty bored Lets see what condos there are, OH that one has a funny name what’s in there” I know that condo naming will be coming soon but my main problem with it is, no one uses condos any more, because there on a different server and you have to wait through a loading screen and if you don’t like the condo guess what It’s loading with a chance of crashing, and this is a problem that will spread
Loading = Less condo use & being FORCED to sit through a loading screen when all you wanted was to get a lamp for your bedroom = Less interesting condos = more people completly giving up on condos, condos were a way to interact with the server and community and that freedom of the condo was a big part of communicating with the server, let’s hope this game reaches the very best I could be.

Yeah, I’m pretty bad at reading. Let me try to explain what I meant:

That’s probably just technical limitations at the moment. The whole “oh, the game’s Early Access” argument is used far too much, but condo connection system will probably be vastly improved as time goes on. Just be patient.

actually, I’m pretty sure there aren’t a whole lot of people playing in the condos because, as I said, there isn’t a reason to right now. Tower Unite’s bread and butter are the Game Worlds, and IMO the only real reason to play the game at all at it’s current state.

I fully believe in Pixeltail’s ability to make Tower Unite the best it can be, even if things will be a little different.

Well, the separate server thing won’t be much of an issue in the future, as far as interacting with the community. The devs are working on implementing cross-server chat, letting you chat with people on plaza servers while in your condo (it was implemented in the alpha for a short while, but doesn’t currently exist since it’s pretty buggy). People who start condos in a plaza server also have a door to their condo in the condo lobby; it’s just that it’s still pretty buggy as of right now and doesn’t work that well. There are also going to be options to start a party in your condo, which will display a notification to everyone on your last plaza server that you’re having a party, and that’ll allow them to know what’s happening. The only issue in the future would just be the load times, and that’ll probably be tackled further down the line as well.

It’ll start feeling like good old Tower soon enough, you just have to wait. IMO, I think once cross-server chat gets implemented, it’ll probably feel much more like normal.

All the points of this discussion brought into one big conclusion My hopes for this game were already higher than the tower itself, and the points brought up in this discussion shot them into space, GMtower was my go to game for when I was bored I guess I was just a little bit disappointed that TU wasn’t as good as GMT the bad overcame the good GREATLY and that’s what happens, I was searching the lobbies quite recently and I noticed something, no one was playing in the lobbies, click over to game worlds, 7/8 16/20 ect, the games are currently the main focus and after playing ONE game with an open mind I realized the community is still there Flurishing with activity just not where I thought they would be, I guess all those hours in gmt just led me to believe the most vibrant part of the community was in the plaza, as of RIGHT NOW that’s not the case, the games is where the community stays around and one round of any gamemode will tell you that, but one minute in the lobby you feel there is no community anymore, even though you were just playing with the community, think about when’s the last time something interactive actually happened in the lobby, now what about in a game mode, probably a lot more than the lobby, cause the over all experience of TU right now is the games, the reason everything feels so empty is because there is nothing to do in the lobby or condo, and because of that the community feels empty, but that is not the case, the community simply moved to the games and not the lobbies, I mean when the ARCADE is done, so many more people will be In the lobby.

We’re working on it, don’t you worry.