Some kinda Problem with Steam?

I wanted to say it more in a joke way but im shit in like showing it over text mb

No, I assumed you were joking. Was just saying.

Okay okay… But honestly about this problem like idk i got like 3 bugs already in this game which dont go away?

What else besides the steam overlay thing?

Cant equip Accesoires since over half year or something? I dont see stuff in minigolf like the score of the people on the right of the screen after they finished and not even when the time is running out and yh also that Steam overlay thing (Steam overlay and that screen thing happend around the same time) and i also found some temporary bugs too but they arent rly bothering too much

Yeah, that’s super weird. Not sure what those could be. Might wanna post some bug reports

Eh i could but too lazy and i dont rly mind to tell the devs till their are pretty much done with like doing alpha and then getting to end of beta than might i will do so when the bugs are still there

We’ve already been in beta for awhile now and, assuming everything is still on track, we’ll be out of beta in a few months. (They were originally targeting q3-4 2017 for full release)

Oh um im stupid lmao xd I just had the liittle alpha text in the top left corner on my mind like i guess i will then but im not sure?

What does the alpha text say, exactly?

No i mean the old one i dont have it anymore my game is uptodate because i didnt played for a while like i guess i stopped for 3 months and when i got back the Alpha was gone (So my version says 3.3.0)

Have you tried reinstalling Steam itself?

Nope but i wont either bc i dont want to because i dont wanna do all settings again when i reinstall it again

You don’t happen to use another Overlay software the Steam Overlay might be in conflict with?

I did for a day or something but i had problems with the Steam Skin so i got rid off it

I’d recommend you double check if you’re sure it’s completely gone. What was it?

I still have it on my drive but not selected

I meant the Overlay software, if you’re absolutely sure that not a bit of it is still in place. Maybe I misunderstood and you called a Steam Skin “Overlay Software” in which case I’d suggest for a lack of better things to try, to completely remove it and see if that helps.

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