SDNL Ideas

Hello folks! I’ve had a few ideas for SDNL! (considering it will be somewhat close to PVP battle)

Power Ups
Different abilities that could be found either on the ground or by killing others:

  • Energy Drink: Increases movement speed and jump height.
  • Painkillers: Slowly regenerates health over time.
  • Jetpack: A jetpack that works for a limited time

Generic Abilities
I loved the ability to double jump with your shotgun in gmtower although I think more movement to make the game more challenging would be pretty cool:

  • Climbing
  • Double Jumps

If you have some other ideas let me know and I will add them! :smiley:

Not sure about climbing but double jumping and powerups were confirmed ages ago


damage multipliers (double, triple, quad)

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I know its impossible, but damn I miss the Headphones powerup from construction zone. The LEENI song made it so amazing and fun to use- Something functionally identical to it would be great. It gave you slow health regen and changed your vision a bit. Id love to see something like it.
Also, double jumps were in GMT as well and I dont see them removing it.
Wall jumping would be pretty fun to have too.