Please Add a Chat Automod in Global/Local on the Lobby Servers

I can’t count the times I’ve come in to lobby just to see someone say something really offensive; either from a condo into the global channel, local, or otherwise. I know that moderation in condo’s on local itself probably isn’t doable, but I’m getting really tired of the chat channels not at least being somewhat moderated.

So, I’m suggesting an automod to ban certain words (racial and homosexual slurs in particular), and kick or time-out those that use them. I won’t suggest what the punishment should be, since that should up to the developers. The filters used for the automoderation should include spellings of said slurs (such as adding a ‘.’ to the middle, a space, etc) that people usually use to get around said chat filters as well.

I’m just really getting tired of toxic, racist/homophobic speech leaking into global channels with nothing being done other than sending a report and hoping that it gets through quickly (and something is done). And automod chat filter would at least help cut some of the slack.

We do have a chat filter in the game currently, but it is disabled by default.

You can activate it by going into Settings -> Content -> Enable Swear Filter

I don’t mean a normal swear filter, though. I mean a moderator to active mute/kick/ban and generally discourage that really offensive talk in the first place. I don’t mind cussing on the whole (I do it alot myself), but I mean the racial/sexist/homophobic slurs that really shouldn’t be allowed a free pass in the first place just because you can tick a swear filter box or just block or mute them. Something to help discourage toxicity, if that makes sense.

EDIT: Even if it’s just something that’s automatic. Because Lobby chat can sometimes get really difficult to deal with and it’s not always possible to hop onto an empty server just to escape it so I can play some Blackjack in relative peace.

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We plan on adding more moderation systems to help mitigate this problem.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. :smiley: Have a great day!