Out of bounds room near casino

I have tried to search for this on the forums but haven’t seen any one else post about it, someone most likely has. Sorry if someone already has. Any ways there is a room I got into by going out of bounds.

Not sure if this has always been here or not. Just thought it looks nice. In case it is an already known room I decided to take some selfies so it adds a bit of pizzazz to this post.

This is the stairwell that leads down into the Volt Nightclub, which is currently not finished.


Oh cool, looks really nice. Can’t wait till the Night Club is finished :slight_smile:

Yeah, the Nightclub has actually been in the game since the private alpha and it used to be accessible but they’ve since blocked it off.


At least it’s not flooded anymore.

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Holy crap dude, an underwater nightclub would be sweet. Probably call it Atlantis or something and plop it down after the ocean expansion :smiley:


I swear I remember that exact thing being suggested before (called Atlantis and everything) but a quick search just brings up this thread. Weird. Fucking Deja Vu. Where’s Denzel Washington? lol

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From Ocean Expansion’s Trello page:

No cool mystery here. Sorry :c

Ah, it was on the trello. No wonder I couldn’t find it. I knew I wasn’t crazy.

Haha what a coincidence. I guess the idea isn’t exactly original but it’d be cool nonetheless :stuck_out_tongue: