New Shop

I have seen people complaining about Rob’s Imports and it being a shop for weird stuff that aren’t furniture, interactable items like the piano or media players. My idea is making Rob’s Imports a placeholder for another shop, it would be located in another zone of the map, just like Laser Tag arena and it would be the catsack dimension or something like that with floating stuff all around and weird items. The entrance could be some kind of box or item in Rob’s Imports and the shop would sell all the items that aren’t antique (which is what the store should sell) like condo tools, potions and weird stuff.

i really like the idea of a seperate mystical shop dimension, i’m just wondering if it’d affect the game’s performance (or if it takes long to load if its far away) or makes people annoyed that they have to load the area each time they want to buy something there, altough the items that you’d buy in the area will probably not be items you will buy over and over.


It would work as the Game World teleport or the laser tag arena, it is loaded, you only have to teleport there.

I don’t really want to replace Rob’s Imports. But the box dimension from club pengui- I mean a totally original idea does sound pretty cool.


I didn’t say box dimension, just a random place to make it, the idea of the portal box is a reference to CP but the other stuff isn’t from it.

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I was joking, no worries lol

Haha, I know.

geez thanks for the flashback lol