Music fitting certain gameworlds/activities

Post music that fits/you listen to while playing certain gameworlds/activities
I’ll start, but I’m mostly going to post samples of larger soundtracks. Google them if interested.


Most of Half-life 2 and Left 4 Dead soundtracks

Get out alive

Only when playing Solar- Space Asshole


Sonic songs


Fallout 4 Magnolia songs


Theres a thing called “Copyright” so … no.

Uhm… what?
What prevents me from listening to a song while playing TU…?

These aren’t suggestions for songs to be added in the game, this is a thread for sharing any songs that happen to fit any of the many themes present within Tower Unite. It’s not in the suggestion category.


I used to listen to ‘Vegas’ from Hitman: Blood Money when playing TTT in Garry’s Mod. It’s sounds so classy and stealthy. Not sure it would fit into any of the game modes in TU though, but for the sake of discussion, here it is anyway:

when playing Prism or GLXY on Ballrace

I feel like that song would fit so well in laser tag too. Like, 0-30 seconds be the rules overview and then when the beat drops the doors open and the place unlocks, turrets rise, and stuff goes haywire (yes i know turrets arent in laser tag for the most part, shut)