Multiple Suggestions

Treehouse Starting Kit

I tried building a Treehouse but the floor didn’t play nicely with the giant tree, Could there be a 9x9 Size object of the full wood squares with a sphereical hole cut out in the centre, this way people could create treehouses in a simpler starting point and also introduce the idea of the next suggestion

Rope Ladders,Teleporters

I understand player animation can be a hassle for creating things and teleporters would be a easier option to do, As per the previous mention in a rope house theres no real easy way to climb it without a jetpack, What i suggest is there should be hooked rope of the place you want to teleport to, For instance the treehouse you would place on an edge of a walkway and then lower the rope as required

I think the rope should be treated as a set of stairs for the scale guide on how many steps you want, What should be in position instead is the rope should descend downwards instead of pointing up, that way when someone presses E on the rope it would teleport them to the top of the rope like Stairs.

Teleporters should have PINS or codes to link them together, they should come as two items as a starter kit on your first purchase if you do not already own any be purchasable one per item after.

Zombie Massacre Events

As the Game modes get created and the Upgrade shop becomes a working product there should be varied options that could be bought, here are some suggestions;

POV, Instead of being topdown you would be able to see first hand as the player and fight the oncoming hordes;

Enabling Events, Rounds should have stuff like Blackouts where it blocks the players view for 10 seconds unless they use a flashlight by pressing F, Earthquakes could shake the screen and cause objects in the game to fall and block paths, These paths would be blocked until the end of the game for instance From round 5/10 This stays like this until 10/10 and they have to go an alternate route to fight off hordes than the open direction they had for the rest of the game, This would only be an option for players to enable bought in upgrades shop, it would be hidden otherwise, Any player without this could play on another server so long as the Player has enabled this Hardcore System as such.

From my understanding, Upgrade store is gonna be customizable stuff, not game-mode changes.
I don’t really get the whole “teleporters should come in a kit with the tree house”. But teleporters HAVE been suggested before, remember to search.

If you’re trying to build a tree house and the blocks are slanting. You best bet is to place a large canvas cube, resize it to whatever you like and then place the wooden building block above and then remove the canvas block. You can then use the wooden block as your marker to expand etc.

I understand that but a 9X9 kinda thing wouldnt be bad it would be like a walkway area when your against the tree, its not like its meant to be all of it just the area where the trees are placed

About the Upgrade Store thing, I think that’s where Mutators would be sold. I’m pretty sure those were supposed to be little game-changers that hosts could enable.

Teleporters would be awesome, every condo would be much bigger because I for one would be placing teleporter outside of the sky boxes. For example, in the suite, I would decorate every house down the street and place a teleporter outside of the skybox. Ez pz bigger suite!

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