Kingdom+Sweet Tooth Bug Fix Patch



This card has no description.


[ul][li]Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck spinning in circles on the spinner in hole 12.[/li][li]Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck spinning in circles on the spinner in hole 18.[/li][li]Players can no longer bounce out of the end area of hole 18.[/li][li]Fixed an issue in hole 15 that was causing geometry to intersect with the course and block balls.[/li][li]Fixed a bad lightmap in hole 10.[/li][li]Balls should no longer stop in front of the hole in hole 13.[/li][li]Increased sides of backboards in hole 14 to reduce chances of ball bouncing out of bounds from the geysers.[/li][li]Fixed a bug in hole 13 where the side wall that moves up and down was moving in two separate pieces.[/li][li]The basket that catches the ball for the hole-in-one in hole 13 has been increased in height, and an invisible wall is now inside the basket that prevents the ball from bouncing out.[/li][li]The moving basket in hole 13 now has geometry on its bottom.[/li][li]Various moving platforms no longer collide with the camera, to provide a more smooth camera experience.[/li][li]The backboard for hole 18 is now twice as thick and the ball should no longer pass through it on occasion.[/li][li]The backboard in hole 18 has had its lightmaps fixed.[/li][li]Potential fix for moving platforms out-of-bounds issue.[/li][li]Filled in the gaps on either side of the geysers in hole 14. They were unnecessary and added nothing to gameplay.[/li][li]The moving basket in hole 13 no longer uses a world-aligned texture, so the texture on its floor now moves with it.[/li][li]Fixed lightmap seems in hole 5.[/li][li]Fixed lightmap seems in hole 15’s carpet[/li][li]Fixed a hole in the map geometry near the end of hole 13.[/li][li]Fixed an issue where the geyser in hole 13 would not launch balls that are closer to the outer edge.[/li][li]New ambient soundscape for market[/li][li]Some knights now make noises![/li][/ul]

Sweet Tooth

[ul][li]Fixed an issue that caused balls to go through the loops or bounce off the loops in hole 17.[/li][li]The hole in hole 6 is now much more difficult to bounce out of (which will reduce chances of having hole-in-ones fail).[/li][li]Players should no longer get stuck in the pipes[/li][li]Players should no longer stop on the funnel in hole 8.[/li][li]Added some new art (Cupcakes, strawberries, and cookies)[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]Card’s description was updated.[/li][li]A new checklist named “Checklist” has been added to the card.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck spinning in circles on the spinner in hole 12.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck spinning in circles on the spinner in hole 18.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Players can no longer bounce out of the end area of hole 18.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed a bad lightmap in hole 10.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][li]“Fixed an issue in hole 15 that was causing geometry to intersect with the course and block balls.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Balls should no longer stop in front of the hole in hole 13.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Increased sides of backboards in hole 14 to reduce chances of ball bouncing out of bounds from the geysers.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed a bug in hole 13 where the side wall that moves up and down was moving in two separate pieces.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“The basket that catches the ball for the hole-in-one in hole 13 has been increased in height, and an invisible wall is now inside the basket that prevents the ball from bouncing out.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“The moving basket in hole 13 now has geometry on its bottom.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Various moving platforms no longer collide with the camera, to provide a more smooth camera experience.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“The backboard for hole 18 is now twice as thick and the ball should no longer pass through it on occasion.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][li]“The backboard in hole 18 has had its lightmaps fixed.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Potential fix for moving platforms out-of-bounds issue.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Filled in the gaps on either side of the geysers in hole 14. They were unnecessary and added nothing to gameplay.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“The moving basket in hole 13 no longer uses a world-aligned texture, so the texture on its floor now moves with it.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed lightmap seems in hole 5.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed lightmap seems in hole 15’s carpet” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed a hole in the map geometry near the end of hole 13.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]“Fixed an issue where the geyser in hole 13 would not launch balls that are closer to the outer edge.” has been checked off on the “Checklist” checklist.[/li][/ul]