Jetpack Lightspeed

On Gmod Tower, players could use the jetpack to fly around… this is, obviously, still in Tower Unite.
However, if a player went high up and held Ctrl, he or she would lose upward momentum but travel ridiculously fast through the air. Like, lightspeed fast. This is not in Tower Unite (most likely because it was a bug or something). This was a very fun bug though, and I hope that it isn’t gone forever. At the very least, make it not as fast, but still a feature. Thanks for reading!


This is needed in Tower Unite. I was always using this to travel faster to everyplace. It would be a great featured


Perhaps it could also make your character reorient from upright to horizontal (a la Superman)? This would give some form of reason for transferring vertical momentum to horizontal momentum.


This actually happened in GMT, probably because of a certain GMod update that added additional animations, so it would only make sense if it reappeared in TU.


I would like to have that back. I used to race my friends doing that.

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Oh yes this needs to come back. I always did this, and it was just awesome. I knew it was a bug, but it was just too fun of a bug to be fixed.


The last time I played GMT, all I did was just fly around in circles doing that. It was so much fun!

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This would be amazing, or at least something similar. It would be nice to have a way to move faster horizontally, rather than just vertically.


I liked this. Right now I don’t see a lot of use for the jetpack because you don’t really go fast so it’s only useful when you encounter an obstacle.


I wish this was my original artwork


the jetpack behaves really weird at the moment. it needs a rework. but that can wait

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I’m surprised that this has already picked up some traction. Nice seeing that all of you loved jet-speeding as well!

yes please.

The reason the jetpack doesn’t work the same in TU is because of how Unreal handles air control versus how source handles players in the air. To source, if you’re in the air, you’re falling. You can fall in any direction, and your speed is conserved if you change your fall direction (i.e. hitting something). This is how surfing works, by sliding off slanted surfaces to preserve momentum whilst changing direction, and flinging you all over the place, and is also why you’d keep getting faster.

In Unreal, if the player moves on an X or Z plane in the air, their speed is constant, no matter what. You can gain speed falling (and eventually reach terminal velocity), but you cannot gain speed by moving forwards or sideways, that always stays the same.

My suggestion to fix this and actually make jetpacks feel more mobile is to set the upwards force to face slightly forward as well, so that we build forward momentum whilst using the jetpack.

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I think the forward momentum should depend on your wasd direction. Don’t worry, they’ll figure out what works best on their own.

I don’t see why they can’t just add a function so your movement speed goes up till it hits 300% or something when your hold ctrl

The thing is they have to start doing it. It’s about what to prioritize and what to work on next.