Item Suggestions Megathread

The Bigscreen TV in TU is sized differently?
Shame, I loved how the bigscreen TV in GMT fit so perfectly into that TV space like a lego piece.


It’s a more reasonable Big TV. It look noticeably smaller from the preview compared to the big screen TV.

Text hat. A must have.


Text hats were in a vote and only the winner item would be given to GMT donors and TU backers and items that lost wouldn’t be in TU. The text hat was one of 5 losers.

Did they explicitly say the losing items would never be in the game?
I don’t see harm in suggesting it, people loved using it in GMTower.


I thought I saw it somewhere, but I’m not seeing any devs speak about it in the thread, so maybe it will come back.

Overhead Projector.


Looking back I kind of exaggerated a bit on my suggestions? Now that I look at them again, I kind of suggested items that would pretty much had to have a specific system developed for them to work. :sweat_smile:

Here’s a new set of suggestions, this time with more decorative stuff than unique-behavior items. Here we go:

  • Basketball Hoop and Basketball. The Basketball would simply use the same behaviour as the beach ball, not actually hoopable.

  • Garden Gnome. Surprised not to see one of these suggested here yet, since they’re so iconic. Bonus points of it’s a Catsack Gnome.

  • Banners, similiar to the ones in the plaza, but hangable from the wall. Usable as a Canvas.

  • Decorative Bamboo Poles. In every picture I looked at for inspiration, there was always one of these for some reason.

  • Boat Wheel. It’s a nice decor.

  • Fans. They’re hot.

  • Umbrella Stand. Including the Umbrella Itself inside.

  • Gramophone. Play’s 80’s oldies.

  • TV Remote. Helpful for turning the TV even after you’ve sit in the couch.

This list was a bit short. I keep looking at several catalogues but at the end of the day they’re just the same items with different styles, and suggesting those don’t seem like they fit with the rest of the game.

I’ll definitely do some more research for suggesting better decor items next time. :star:


please add these


I really would love an old slide show projector. If it had the ability to upload lots of images that have a slide time and an old slide flick sound… Man, that would be


…It actually would be amazing, A projector to display Picture from the internet


Numbers next to game rounds that tell you what minigolf hole the round is on, what ball race level a server is on, ect.

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This isn’t really an item.


This should go under a seperate thread in Suggestions tbh
also minigolf already tells you what hole you are on atm?

Not in the server list(?)

I suggested the gramophone a little while back. I mainly want different styles of record players that would be interesting.

Framed TU Soundtrack vinyl for soundtrack owners
Or A golden Soundtrack vinyl while the regular vinyl can be purchased by non soundtrack owners

I think that counts as a Micro-transaction. Pixeltail REALLY doesnt like Micro-transactions…


A chandelier Like a Modern Chandelier

This Would be a Great thing for Like Having a auto Turn on and Turn off or a way to use a way of turning off lights , I think if The Pixel Team uses the Design of the tablet in gmod Tower and used it for turning off lights and setting things it would help back up this light

RC Quad-Copter/Helicopter-Seems like it would be cool to go along side the RC boats & Cars

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